Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Introduction to DISC Personality Profiles

Communication is so important. One statistic says that 85% of a person's success is dependent on their communication and 15% is dependent on their more technical skills. The source for this is unknown, but look around and you will find that it's true even in technical environments.

DISC is a basic personality profile categorizing everyone as one of four personality types. This is a little basic, but works for the purpose of gaining a general understanding to people and how to communicate with them. Each person is a unique individual and probably has characteristics of each traits. However, if a person's basic type is known it is much easier to understand their communication needs and concerns. The four basic types are:
  • D -Director or Drive
  • I - Influencer
  • S - Supporter or Steadiness
  • C - Consistency, Critical Analyst, Conscientious, Compliance

This will just be a basic overview of each type. Next week we will go into further analysis. Hint - most (not all) left brained people tend to be D's or C's. The takeaway goal for this week is to identify what type you are. If you're not sure by the descriptions below then google DISC personality and read more.

Direct personality types are people with bottom-line tendencies. They tend to make quick decisions and are not overly expressive people. They are sometimes seen as being impatient and insensitive. D's tend to have leadership roles and are many times entrepreneurs. Direct and to the point.

Influencers like to socialize and are emotional and energetic people. If they were a car they would be the flashy car - red corvette, bright convertible, etc. They have great people skills and are sometimes the type of people that left brainers wonder how they got ahead in the world. Their talent is their people skills and quite frankly that is how they get ahead. Often influencers are in sales positions.

Supporters are relaters that like to please the world. S's are seen as supportive and steady in the world. They tend to have positions that help others (teachers, nurses, social work, etc.) and that have stability.

Critical analyzers are perfectionists and very detailed. This is where a large number of left brainers fall. They love details, data, order and process. C's are many times in technically oriented positions - accountants, engineers, etc.

Here is a basic way of identifying yourself. There are more thorough tests that you can pay for available if you google them. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Are you more supporting/open or controlling/guarded/reserved?

  • Supporting/Open would tend to be viewed as: relaxed and warm, gut feeling, supportive of people, flexible about time (arrive late to things), make decisions based on relationships, wear their emotions on their sleeves, sensitive.
  • Controlling/Guarded/Reserved would tend to be viewed as: formal and proper, fact oriented, like control of situations, time oriented (don't like to be late), make decisions based on facts, keep feelings to themselves

2. Are you more indirect or direct?

  • Indirect would tend to: avoid risks, make slow decisions, easy-going, good listener, reserved, shy
  • Direct would tend to: take risks, make quick decisions, more aggressive, impatient, outgoing, bold, express opinions loud and clear

Here are your results:

  • Controlling/Guarded and Direct - Direct Personality Type
  • Suporting/Open and Direct - Influencer Personality Type
  • Indirect and Supporting/Open - Supporter Personality Type
  • Indirect and Controlling/Guarded - Critical Analyzer Personality Type

Now you should have your takeaway. During the week see if you can observe what you think others are. Next week there will be ways to easily identify other people's types.

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